Interview with a grassroots Cultural Jammer!
Mel: Hi All. Today I have the unique opportunity to interview a very inspiring member of a grassroots resistance group. Thank you * Bec for coming in today to talk about your stance and the work that you are doing for women’s rights and spreading the word about the dangers of the trans ideology on children and our population as a whole.
Bec: Thank you Mel, it is as always wonderful to be here and to talk to you again about all that we continue to do to try to wake up people to the absolute dangers of blindly following the trans message.
Mel: You are so inspiring! I love what you are doing! Some of what you do, I just don’t think that I’d be brave enough to even attempt to do because of fear of going to jail, public shaming and losing my job.
Bec: Mel, I hear you! But I can’t not do something, even though I’m scared, even though I risk everything. I can’t breathe if others suffer and I’m doing nothing to stop it. My parents were both activists and where instrumental in spreading the word about the atrocities of the Vietnam war, so I too proudly walk in their footsteps.
Mel: They sound incredibly brave. You just said that you want to wake people up about ‘blindly following the trans message’, would you like to share more about who you are and what you are doing to wake people up?
Bec: Well, I work in the public sector, I won’t say here which sector, as I still need to protect myself. I pass along information that finds its way onto my desk, or into my computer about the aims of ACON and trans ideology into schools and the public domain. I pass the info on to members of women’s rights groups so that they are informed about policies etc. I am also a lesbian, and I have a short haircut; that means that I look the part of a trans ally, and so I’m able to access queer spaces etc, so I also document what I see in those spaces that is a violation and infringement of women’s rights and I also pass that info on to women’s rights groups.
Mel: So, essentially, you’re a modern-day spy!
Bec: (laughing) yes, I suppose I am, but it’s not all cloaks and daggers! I also display my resistance to all things trans by putting a particular brand of graffiti onto trans paraphernalia!
Mel: What kind of graffiti would that be?
Bec: It’s called ‘cultural jamming’, which was an arts movement coined in 1981 and it’s about using the media environment we occupy to bring about social awakening and change. Cultural jamming is doing things like skilfully reworking billboards to direct the public viewer to consider say, corrupt corporate strategies. The studio for the cultural jammer is the world at large.
Mel: So cultural jamming is about changing advertisements, to show the reality of what organisations stand for, and to wake people up to the dangers of what that organisation is, are doing?
Bec: Yep, so cultural jammers might change a poster selling something for Apple, say the Iphone and change the word to “Ifamine” to get people to think about where the material in their phone’s originally comes from and the bad conditions that those making phone parts live in.
Mel: So, that gets me to our big point! How are you using ‘cultural jamming’ to spread a message?
Bec: I add symbols to trans paraphernalia, in an attempt to get people to really look at who the trans pushers are and the dangers of just going along with something because everyone seems to be. The main symbol I put on trans material, say flags stickers in bathrooms, is the swastika.
Mel: The Swastika?
Bec: Because it's come to mean the terror of what the Nazi government, Hitler, did to 4 million Jews. They exerted control, intimidation, manipulation and created a very danergous environment for any one who didn't adhere to their thinking. The trans rights activities, remind me a lot of Nazi militants. The parrells between the
two are incredible and beyond scary.
Mel: What do you see as being similar?
Bec: Well, they both use clever advertising and propaganda and which is used too by business to sell products, as a form of virtual signaling. They both use camps to indoctrinate youth. You've heard of 'Trans Camps' for youth?
Mel: Yep, I have and it's horrified me.
Bec: Well, Hitler used the same method, called Nazi Youth camps which taught children the mantra, the ideology of Eugenics and how to be a good Nazi. They both had views around an idea of scientific truth to justify their macabre views and any one who didn't agree with them was/ is bullied and shamed into compliance. They both used/use violence and fear, to intimidate people to follow them.
Mel: When you explain it like that i really can see the connect and it is beyond dystopic!
Bec: And so I place such a known
symbol of tyranny to show my dissent and my resistance against the violence and cohesion that is the trans movement.
Mel: See that’s what I couldn’t do, I suppose because of the ramifications of having those symbols and using them in the mainstream, you could get a fine and go to prison.
Bec: Yep, I know right. A new law has come into force in NSW, making it a criminal offence punishable by up to 12 months in jail and additionally people might receive a fine between $11,000 and $55 000 for knowingly displaying such 'Nazi' images as the swastika. Talk about censorship and destroying free speech hey! So, I have to use it as a symbol of protest.
Mel: Why is that, why draw it, when you could face imprisonment?
Bec: Because to me it’s a powerful symbol. The swastika didn’t start out as a bad symbol, in fact it’s a very ancient symbol used in hindu and then buddism faiths. For 1000s of years that cross, that symbol, meant sun, prosperity, good living along with the duality of divinity and spirituality.
Now, only in the last say 80 – 90 years, it’s become a symbol of tyranny, of genocide, of control. It’s a symbol that reflects a moment in time when Germany, and many countries in the western world, during pre WW2 got carried away by a dangerous ideology, and that ideology was eugenics. This idea is that some races are better than others. The idea of eugenics was not just popular in Germany but many other countries also went along with sending their undesirables to concentration camps where they were experimented on and enslaved.
During WW2 Australia had concentration camps that they sent their Japanese and German population to. America had concentration camps for South Americans and later Germans and during the war, they were also shipping some of their Jewish people to Germany and Poland as were England and France. Because via Hitler, they were told it was a good idea to cleanse the population of unwanted genes. So although most history books might say otherwise, that period during the 1930s - 1940s was actually a time when many countries went down a bad path. In fact I was watching a program recently that suggested that Hitler was actually put in place by Americans who profited by pushing him to lead his country into war and were supplying Germany with weapons. Any way, whether you believe that or not is your choice, but suffice to say, the swastika was given a new meaning. A meaning around population cleansing, making people afraid to think outside of the box or they too would face retribution.
That time in history, is really not too different to the path that western society is going down, with the trans movement and if you are game make this comparison, than you can see that we are living in a truly, truly scary time. Just like in WW2, many people seem to feel that it is easier to follow the government and it's departments than to resist, yet to believe, really believe that a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man is absolutely nonsenical and yet here we are.
We are at a point in time where we are being convinced to deny what our heart and head tell us, we are being told not to believe what our eyes tell us. Which is exactly what happened in Germany and the West around the 30s and 40s. The fact that so many people in Germany, and the surrounding countries that it occupied during WW2, went along with the ethnic cleansing, with the eugenics movement, went along with what Hitler and the Nazis were doing to people; where people were facing experimentation, exploitation and etermination is shocking. Whether those populations believed their message or not, or because of fear, yet the fact that their propaganda made a population compliant instead of resistant to the shocking reality is exactly what we are seeing happening now!
Back then, people were convinced, through clever propaganda that someone can have superior genes and others have inferior genes. Such people were seen as those with disabilities, or were Jewish, gypsies and those harbouring them; they all became the scapegoats; and because they are made out to be inferior, made to seem like the enemy, the general population no longer saw such people as human. When someone is no longer seen as a person you stop having any empathy about their situation, who they are and what their needs are; you can justify to oneself all the atrocities performed on them. And I feel that we are there again, so many people are going along with the trans movement, which is a movement that is not humane, not nice or kind, but is a movement about human experimentation and the destruction and deconstruction of women.
Mel: So, you’ve been drawing the swastika over the top of trans flags, to make people wake up to the reality of what the trans movement stands for? That it is an ideology like the eugenics ideology, and people following it are acting like Nazi sympathises? That masses are following and many are too intimidate or brainwashed to question its dangerous narrative?
Bec: Yes, yes exactly! To me, just doing that is a huge act of resistance. As the swastika has lost is true meaning and has come to be seen as a symbol of something that society doesn't ever want repeated. And yet people need to see, need to know that history is repeating itself. That if we keep leading our young, confused, lesbian, gay and bi youth, our autistic and our gifted and talented kids down this road they will be experimented on, castrated, that's potentially millions of individuals in the next generation who will grow up unable to have kids, unable to live a whole and happy life in the perfectly healthy body they were born in.
And then these out of the box, unique kids will grow up not having kids of their own; this will have huge ramifications for up and coming generations, for the popuation and genetic diversity. Parents, teachers, everyone needs to wake up to the fact that we are again being lead down a road that is just as destructive as the Nazis era and we are all now living in a very dangerous time. A time where men are welcomed into women's prisons, homeless shelters and bathrooms if they wear a wig and say they 'feel like they are women', like what does that even mean? I might say that I feel like an old lady today, but that doesn't mean that I am an old lady, right. We are in a time where men are beating up women at the olympics and this is justified by saying the men are women. And any woman who stands up against the trans movement is dehumanised and called a ‘TERF’.
What trans people & their allies say they will do to ‘ TERFs’ is abhorrent, horrendous and terrible, they say things like; they will kill and rape all ‘TERFs’. These women, who can see the reality and the dangers of the movement are being forcibly silenced, just like the Jews and their supporters back in WW2.
But I have to tell you, women who are being called a TERF are by far some of the nicest, sincerest and genuine people that I have ever met. They are women who are standing up for what they believe in. They are often mothers and grandmothers, women who are shocked at what is being told to school students, that they can change their sex if they want to. These women are saying, ‘no’ leave our kids alone, keep single sex spaces single, save women's sports and yet these doting, grandmotherly types are being targeted, called 'TERFs’ and told that the trans allies will rape them for saying a man can’t be a woman. Like, how insane, that we are living at a time when it’s become ok to threaten women with violence for not believing you, for questioning you. Like where is the free speech.
The way women are called out and treated when they question these things, means that everyone else is silenced into submission. You only have to look at what someone like JK Rowling is going through to see how dangerous this movement truly is.
And then there is Sal Grover, who won’t let a man, with long hair, onto a female only app and she has now been dragged through court and has had to pay over a million dollars to try to make it once again passed in law that men can’t be women. Like what the hell is happening to society that is making anyone not question this! That trying to change kids sex, creates sterility and irreversible damage to our young people. How the heck did we get here! We all need to resist, to step up and say, ‘HELL, NO!’
Mel: Yep, I hear you, that is why I started, ‘Staying You’ to spread the word about the dangers to young women and to show how closely it relates to my breast cancer journey and the irreversible effects of hormone blockers and surgery. I too am shocked and so frustrated that my cries for resistance fall on deaf ears and blind eyes, unable to hear and take in the terrible road we are leading our young people down!
Bec: See how incredible are you! Using such a hard experience to make people see the dangers. You know, I reckon you're about ready to do some cultural jamming!
Mel: You know, I might just do that! If a person is keen to resist like you, what advice would you give them?
Bec: Honestly, just keep a sharpie with you at all times! Just whip it out when you are alone and in a public toilet, that is a good place to start as there are no cameras in there. If there is a trans flag sticker in there, or sign that says trans women are welcome in this space, put a cross or even a swastika over it. Then you can put a hashtag next to it like #XX or #savewomenssports and #transwomenaremen. By putting a cross or a swastika over it you are saying this movement is like the nazis and you need to stop following it! You are saying 'no', this is a women’s only space and trans women are men in disguise and they don’t belong in female only spaces. As you’ve graffitied it, the sign will have to be painted over, especially if it’s a swastika, and this means that hopefully they will think twice before re writing ‘Trans women are welcome’.
Mel: How can people find you and should they take a photo and share their resistance with you?
Bec: Actually, I wouldn’t recommend taking a photo. Your resistance is enough to make waves. If you take photos, you might get caught with them. It’s about doing small acts of resistance, while keeping yourself safe. I suppose in finding me, I think just becoming a member of Staying You is a good way to start connecting with resistance communities? Yes?
Mel: Yep, for sure and emailing me, through the Staying You Website, and I can link people into supports. I’ve also got some really interesting things on my website, in terms of resources and websites to help people stay informed and links they can use to find supportive networks. Thank you so much Bec, I love what you are doing!
Bec: Honestly Mel, it really isn’t enough! And good on you, for doing all that you are. You, yourself are a true inspiration.
Mel: Thank you so much Bec. Thank you for talking to me today.
Bec: It’s my pleasure.
*Bec is not her real name.