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Don't trust 'True'

Updated: Jun 21

It's organisations like who are infiltrating our schools and corrupting our curriculum!

The following is an anonymous account of a 'True' Workshop experience that an Australian teacher, like all other teachers at her school, had to attend as part of an initiative to create an 'inclusive curriculum' for government schools.

'Of course the workshop presenters seemed friendly, maybe even sincere, maybe they even believed what they were pedalling was truth; but the message they gave was clear, you do what we say or you will be policed by other teachers and you will lose your job if it's found that you discriminate or are transphobic. Ever since the workshop, there has been a sense of heighted distance between the staff and a feeling that you are being watched, monitored and judged by the gender police, who were once your fellow teachers in arms."

" On the day of the mandatory workshop, which was run on a pupil free day so that all the staff would attend, we walked into the school auditorium and staff were met by two presenters who smiled, they gave us all goody bags that had rainbow/trans lanyards, trans stickers, trans postcards. They were friendly, approachable, like the Amway manipulative networkers of the 1990s. But what they said throughout their 2 hour presentation gave me chills, I remember looking at other teachers faces and wondering if I had any allies in the room. Any gender ideology questioning teachers who, like me, felt sick and disgusted at what I was hearing about; boys could be girls if they felt like it, the need for unisex toilets at school, that students could choose their own pronouns, gender and name and we must affirm, affirm, affirm, affirm, or we would lose our job for discriminating and that if a student didn't want to tell their parents about their preferred gender, we must, by some secret trans loving law, be their secret keepers.

"Now we tell parents everything. We are very open with parents and constantly tell parents about student behaviour -negative and positive, and update them on anything and everything, they are always in the loop and yet on this huge issue, an issue that will change the life of a student forever, we must keep their parents in the dark. It didn't sit right with me at all.

"I expected there to be a lot of information around inclusion of LGB students, or refugee students, but it was all disappointingly and disproportionately trans focused. We were given examples of what would constitute transphobia and the list was bizarre, this is the most striking and biological maladaptive for students' wellbeing:

It was considered that it would be transphobic if a HPE teacher is running a health and physical ED lesson, focused on reproduction, and the teacher sends a student; who is a girl out with girls to talk about development and periods and maturation; if this student says that they are trans and is currently identifying as a boy. In which case the female student would be sent out with the boys to learn about erections for the penis that she doesn't have.

"This was absurd to me and the scenario was credulous, how any one could blindly not see this example for what it was, utter malpractice on the part of a female student, who would need to know about the reproductive parts of the body that she was born into, was beyond me.

" We were given statistic after statistic for trans suicide, that the high rate for trans suicide was why the government was putting so much focus into trans youth, but we were not told when these young people were committing suicide, or where they were getting their statistics from. Was it pre, post or after medical transition that they were committing suicide? When asked about lesbian & gay suicide and if the stats where the the same, they told us trans kids were the highest. In some ways this didn't surprise me because we have such a high amount of students currently identify as trans, yet once upon a time they would have instead come out as gay.

"Kids aren't coming out as lesbian or gay any more not because they aren't lesbian or gay kids at my high school, but because you still get teased for being lesbian or gay but to say that you're trans you aren't teased. I'd also noticed that the students who tell me that they have different pronouns are on the autism spectrum or are the most creative, unique students in their cohort, they are the ones that don't fit and are in need of greater acceptance and community so are finding this in the trans community. And from what I've researched the suicides aren't pre medical intervention but after, and affirming their gender and pronouns is really not something we should ever do, schools shouldn't keep secrets from parents, we don't want to be responsible for leading students down a trans road when our job is to keep students safe and to educate them.

"After the workshop I went up to the presenters and asked about trans counselling services and supports for students in my town, they told me that there were none. I was reminded of evangelical cults who 'convert' the poor, and tally up the 'saved' but offer no ongoing pastoral care and guidance, stealing individuals away from their community and culture but offer no tangible support once they've got you in their grasp.

" IF you go to the website, you'll find inclusion programs, material, resources, workshops and courses that they run. Such course are: LGBTIQ+ Inclusive Education: Introduction to Key Terminology. and 'Traffic Lights®: Sexual behaviours in children and young people' in which participants identify, understand and respond to a broad range of sexual behaviours in children and young people. On their website you'll also find information about the sexual health booklets that they use for students from K - 12 these contain graphic and misleading gender ideology.

'True claims to be a charity and asks people visiting their website to donate to their programs. Their mission: Supporting the healthy sexual development of children and young people is a responsibility shared by schools and families

Schools do not need programs that have this type of Gender Agenda infiltrating the curriculum and claiming it as 'True'.

Keep out of our schools

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